Tag Archives | avoidant paruresis

My Thoughts On Curing Shy Bladder Syndrome


People who have never been affected by shy bladder syndrome can’t understand what it’s like. I remember reading an article about paruresis on a popular online news site. The article was pretty straightforward, detailing one man and his struggles with peeing in public. The comments following the story were brutal. About three-quarters of them were from people making fun of those who struggle with shy bladder. It’s funny, because having a shy bladder doesn’t mean you are any less of a man or woman. Among other things, it means you have a strong fight or flight response. Your mind and body are unconsciously looking out for threats, and that causes your body to tense up and makes it almost impossible to pee comfortably.

Facts Aren’t Enough To Cure Paruresis

Unfortunately, knowing all the facts about paruresis does not necessarily mean you will know how to overcome shy bladder syndrome. You may know how many people it affects, and you might know that it’s a psychological disorder. But knowing all that won’t help you fix it.

Paruresis can be debilitating. Because after awhile, it starts to take over your life. The running around and trying to hide your condition from others gets exhausting. We’ve all been there; finding quiet bathrooms, listening for people who might be walking in, and the shame of being unable to void your bladder when someone disturbs you. The discomfort from having to deal with a full bladder. Many of us afflicted by this condition can’t travel for long distances. Some have it so bad they can’t even use the bathroom in their own house if someone else is present. You get sick of it. It seems like such a simple thing to fix, until you are once again stuck in that high-pressure situation, unable to void.

I bought expensive hypnosis downloads. Hypnosis never worked for me. I didn’t find any of them useful at all. Out in the real world I would try and use the bathroom in public after I hypnosis session and I would fail miserably.

But I’m a stubborn person. I wanted a solution. I needed a 100% failsafe cure that would work anytime, any place. I kept hunting online.  Eventually I found what I was looking for. The solution to my problems. I learned the breath-hold technique and combined it with techniques that can be learned within The Paruresis Cure System.

Read More: How I Got Paruresis

photo credit: loop_oh via photopin cc

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How I Got Paruresis


How to Get Rid of Shy Bladder

There are many different reasons why people develop shy bladder, or paruresis. You may have had a bad experience when you were young that triggered this common social anxiety. I personally had a childhood trauma involving public bathrooms…

When I was young I was on a camping trip. I was playing around in a bathroom, climbing up around on top of the stall partitions. My cousin was in the far stall, going number two. No one else was there.

We were talking and laughing and just being dumb kids. As I was climbing around on one of the partitions, I suddenly lost my grip and fell. I smashed face-first into a urinal on the way down. I remember seeing stars, then I think I blacked out briefly. Luckily, I didn’t lose any teeth. But my lip and gums were swollen and huge. Thank goodness, it healed up and there was no record of physical trauma.

But, after that incident I never felt comfortable in public bathrooms again. I started to have a hard time using them.

Avoidant Paruresis

As a boy, it was easier for me to go about my life. I could pee outside. And of course as a grown man, I still have the option of peeing outside. But of course that’s risky since in most places it’s illegal to expose yourself in public.

So just like you, I learned to avoid public restrooms. And when I was forced to go in public,  I avoided urinals and used the stalls instead. Like most of us who suffer from shy bladder, it didn’t get better with age.

But after awhile, it just seemed to be getting worse. I love to travel, but my paruresis meant I couldn’t take long plane rides. For five hours was the maximum, and that was only if I hadn’t had any fluids. So I still traveled, but I was limited obviously on how far I could go. Either short plane rides or travel by car…

Before I found a cure for paruresis online, things came to a head on a plane trip to England. I was on a nine-hour flight and I’d actually bought a external catheter for the trip. This thing was called the Stadium Buddy. Really inconvenient to use, though it actually worked pretty well overall. But it was unwieldy to put on, and in today’s environment with security everywhere, it’s pretty embarrassing to have a catheter and bag of urine strapped to your ankle…. I was disgusted with having a bag of urine on my leg. And even though I was able to use the bag once, I didn’t like it. It was a hassle.

Shy Bladder Cure

I needed something better. I needed a real solution to this problem. I started scouring the Internet for a cure, a real cure for my shy bladder syndrome.

That’s when I found solutions. First, I learned about the paruresis breath-hold technique. For some, it’s all you need. But if you have serious anxiety and need extra help, you can find it from online programs as well. I learned about different books and CD’s available for people who suffer from serious cases of shy bladder. Some programs are good, some are garbage. You can read my review and decide for yourself if these shy bladder remedies are legit or not. I know they worked for me so there’s a good chance they’ll work for you too.

I felt I had nothing to lose but my anxiety, and I was right. I’m glad The Paruresis Cure System is finally available. Now, I can urinate wherever I want, whenever I want after spending countless hours researching the best ways to keep shy bladder at bay and then finally finding TPCS. I recently completed a ten-hour plane ride to South Korea. I used the airplane bathroom to urinate multiple times, and even peed on a moving train! No problems! Let me tell you, it is such a relief to have a comfortable plane ride…And I’ve thrown that damn external catheter in the trash!

Friend, you too can be free of shy bladder syndrome for life….explore my site to learn more.

Read More: The Paruresis Cure System Review

photo credit: minnemom via photopin cc

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