Are there remedies for Shy Bladder Syndrome?
Paruresis, also known as shy bladder syndrome, is an anxiety disorder that makes someone unable to urinate in the presence of other people. The condition is also called shy bladder or bashful bladders, and mostly happens when someone visits a public urinal. Those who have this condition are unable to urinate in any other place if there are other people because they feel like all attention is on them.
These days, paruresis affects a large number of people. It causes the muscles that relax to allow urine flow through the body system to tighten and clench if someone walks into the urinal stopping the urine mid-flow.
It is thought that the main cause of shy bladder syndrome is anxiety of being judged. Another possible cause is a build up of emotions in people who underwent an incident or abuse in the toilet. It can also manifest itself in people who were mocked by other kids in the toilet when they were young.
Paruresis is not something that those who have it can control. At times it might be so extreme that urine completely stops if someone walks in. There are some whose urine stops by just assuming that someone might hear them urinating. This social anxiety disorder affects over 20 million of people around the world impacting heavily on the daily lives.
Bashful bladder mostly manifests itself in men as they are the ones who mostly find themselves unable to urinate in presence of other men at urinals. However, it still affects women as there are some who are unable to urinate in cubicles if there are some people nearby.
Paruresis can be highly frustrating to people who have it because they are compelled to create a schedule that will see them visit the toilet when there are unlikely to be other people around. The people who are at extreme of this condition are unable to use public toilets and make plans to only urinate at their homes.
The good thing is that this condition can be solved using the following remedies:
Difficulty Level – Easy
Graduated exposure therapy
Graduated exposure therapy is a paruresis remedy that involves gradually increasing the affected individual’s exposure to the condition. For this therapy, patients are exposed to urinate at public places like urinals so as to get their minds used to it. The exposure makes them to start dealing with their problem. Graduated exposure therapy should start at low intensity levels then be increased gradually over time until it achieves desired results. Many medical practitioners recommend it to their parents and it’s one of the easiest and most helpful methods. More info about this method can be found on the product review page or by purchasing The Paruresis Cure System.
Difficulty Level – Moderate
Medical treatment
Doctors who recommend medical treatment for paruresis usually recommend anti-depressants for their patients. This is because it is a psychological problem therefore that can be solved in its entirety by relieving stress from the brain of the patient. There are several brands of prescription medicine in circulation hence a doctor will recommend the best one for each patient. Doctors can recommend sedatives in extreme cases of shy bladder to help patient’s body to have enough rest and be able to relieve the bladder.
Difficulty Level – Hard
Self catheterization
This a method used by some paruretics to ensure that their routine will not be interfered with. Patients who use the method can travel for long distances, stay at work or classroom for long without going to the toilet.
Self catheterization therefore helps patients to avoid the embarrassment of visiting the toilet and then they are unable to urinate. Patients who use this method interact easily with rest of society than those using methods. It is essential to seek doctor’s advice before using self catheterization.
Paruresis support groups
There are support groups offering counseling and treatments to bashful bladder sufferers. Starters start by taking less fluid but take care not to be dehydrated. They then share their problems with fellows who understand and appreciate them.
Paruretics can also attempt cognitive behavior therapy which involves drinking a lot of fluids and using public restrooms when someone is outside their safe zone. Those who succeed in urinating out of their comfort zones are more likely to succeed in overcoming paruresis which is a form of social anxiety. Over time, they will be able to visit a public restroom with intention to urinate.
Nowadays, many people understand paruretics without making fun of their condition. There are some public restrooms with fountains or soft music in the background to make paruretics to relax.